Candle Magic written and directed by Alix Bannon starring: Atheena Frizzell Eileen Arce Angela Rosado Madison Hullsiek cinematography by Shawn Bannon
Written & Directed by Shawn Bannon Produced by Alix Bannon Starring Atheena Frizzell Vimeo Staff Pick Official Selection of: AFI Fest Oakcliff Film Festival Portland…
music by Alpine directed by Alix Bannon choreography by Morgan Fogarty cinematography by Shawn Bannon Kestrel – Atheena Frizzell Verdin – Augustine Frizzell Horned Toad…
White Island from miss alix on Vimeo. Winner of the Stanley Film Fest Filmmaking Frenzy Contest
Short film currently in post production 2014
Wrote and directed short horror film. 7 minutes 2013
When Sarah and Ben go on a romantic camping trip, they have no idea what is waiting for them in the woods. 2013 Short Film
Doctor Meow – Fantastic Fest Bumper Submission from Jenn Murphy on Vimeo. Co-directed 45 second spot. Fantastic Fest bumper contest finalist.
Doctor Meow – Fantastic Fest Bumper Submission from Jenn Murphy on Vimeo. 2012 45 second spot. Fantastic Fest bumper contest finalist. Co-directed with Jenn Murphy
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